What: Low pressure fun event for you and your furry friends to compete against other dynamic duos during Windermere’s Summer Splash event. Registration comes with a hat for the walker, and a bandanna for the pup!

Why: Just for fun! Win prizes, or just come and pet all of the pretty pups

Prizes awarded for:

· Best dressed pooch

· Smallest dog

· Biggest dog

· Furry & Friend Look-a-like

· Best tricks

When: Saturday, September 14

  • Walk - 8:00-10:00
  • Awards 10:00-11:00

Where: Start line: Southwest corner of Green Lake at Small Craft Center; walk the full Green Lake loop

Who: Hosted by Windermere Real Estate as part of Summer Splash

How: Register here to participate with you and your dog

Info: For more information about Dog Days of Summer or Summer Splash visit our website at http://summersplash.withwre.com/ or contact frannywood@windermere.com